Suffering from insomnia

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that makes it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay awake due to sleep deprivation. These things can interfere with our lifestyle, health and mood. Difficulties in sleeping have severe effects and if you can relate to the SYMPTOMS – difficulty falling asleep at night waking up during the […]

Hair Care Tips for Men: 5 Ways to Maintain Healthy Hair at Home

It’s undeniable that maintaining good and healthy hair is important. After all, the hair frames your whole face. Many everyday things are prone to damaging our hair but with these few easy tips, we can prevent that and ensure that our hair is strong and healthy. The steps that you can take are: 1.Use paraben-free […]


  Multivitamin, mendengarnya sahaja mungkin membuatkan ramai lelaki menggelengkan kepala. Mengambil vitamin kadangkala dianggap sedikit menyusahkan bagi lelaki. Vitamin A, B-kompleks, vitamin C, Omega-3 dan pelbagai jenis vitamin lain yang pastinya tidak ingin mereka ingati. Tetapi, hakikatnya, seperti wanita, lelaki juga perlu mengambil multivitamin! Pengambilan multivitamin ini adalah jalan terbaik untuk menampung mana-mana kekurangan dalam […]


Bukan sahaja wanita, malah lelaki juga menghadapi masalah kulit bermasalah, terutamanya jerawat, akne dan bintik hitam pada wajah. Mungkin ramai yang kurang tahu bahawa penjagaan kulit dalam kalangan lelaki adalah sama pentingnya seperti penjagaan kulit dalam kalangan wanita. Malah, rutin penjagaan kulit lelaki dan wanita juga adalah sama. Tiada sebab untuk lelaki mengatakan bahawa mereka […]

How to Quit Smoking Cigarettes For Life

Do you want to learn how to stop smoking cigarettes? How frequently have you declared to yourself or somebody else, “I really need to give up cigarettes,” only to do a flip-flop and smoke yet another cigarette? In the event that you are similar to many cigarette smokers, your answer will be: “A great deal […]

7 Causes of Hair Loss in Men

Over 70% of men face hair loss at some stage in their life. The question is why hair loss is so common, and that too in men particularly? Well, women also suffer from some degree of hair loss, but they are lucky that baldness is not the word for them; instead they suffer from hair […]

Hair Loss – Causes and Treatments

One of the most common problems that affect people all around the world is hair loss. Hair loss affects both men and women, though it is generally more common in men. The onset of hair loss can have a debilitating effect on one’s sense of self-image and oftentimes hair loss will coincide with a loss […]

Want to Know About Causes Of Insomnia?

In broad terms, insomnia refers to difficulty experienced in falling asleep or maintaining restoring/refreshing sleep. It is a topic of great debate whether insomnia is a symptom or disorder. Whether disorder or symptom, different kinds of insomnia have been recognized and are described here. Kinds of Insomnia Sleep Onset Insomnia is also called Delayed Sleep […]

End Premature Ejaculation – How To Last Longer In Bed

Every man wants to end premature ejaculation especially if it affects his relationship. There are many techniques you can easily master for lasting longer in bed and this can put an end to this issue. Anyway who really wants to come too early to the point that enjoyment for both parties is no longer achieved? […]

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